How we communicamp

Our Amazeballs Grandma

Originally designed as phrasal template Grandma cards, we created simple (and funny!) stories with just a handful of words. Since our Grandma has passed on, we are inspired by the easy power of communication and storytelling. Capture your own tale with our camp stationery or for something extra special and custom, send us a note (doodles not required!) at

DEAR MOM, I used my toothbrush to dig for worms. Don’t freak out. The guy in the bottom bunk let me use his. It’s safe. I don’t know his name but he can burp the alphabet like me. Thanks for packing extra postage stamps; they stick to our turtle’s shell. I think he’s on the way to Nepal. Your burgers are much better even with the tomato you make me eat it with. Can’t wait to see you on Sunday. P.S. Bring more stamps please!